
Boosting conversations, more leads, and higher ROI make your ads in 3 clicks.

AI Video Generation

AI Video Generation

Our tech uses advanced machine learning to turn scripts into top-notch videos. It's cutting-edge, making content creation faster and less time consuming.

Our tech uses advanced machine learning to turn scripts into top-notch videos. It's cutting-edge, making content creation faster and less time consuming.

Sound Effects & Background Music

Sound Effects & Background Music

Sound Effects & Background Music

Sound Effects & Background Music

Level up your videos with tons of background tunes. Your audience will love it!

Level up your videos with tons of background tunes. Your audience will love it!

Custom AI Avatars

Custom AI Avatars

Custom AI Avatars

Custom AI Avatars

Our AI Actors add emotion and stick to scripts, totally changing how you create interactive UGC content.

Our AI Actors add emotion and stick to scripts, totally changing how you create interactive UGC content.

Export Without Watermark

Export Without Watermark

Export Without Watermark

Export Without Watermark

Share your UGC videos without watermarks for that pro touch. No distractions, just your awesome content shining through!

Share your UGC videos without watermarks for that pro touch. No distractions, just your awesome content shining through!

Access To 29 Languages

Access To 29 Languages

Access To 29 Languages

Access To 29 Languages

Speak to the world! Choose your language for UGC video content, reaching viewers everywhere.

Speak to the world! Choose your language for UGC video content, reaching viewers everywhere.

AI Script Generation

AI Script Generation

AI Script Generation

AI Script Generation

Craft killer scripts for your videos with ease. Focus on visuals while our feature ensures your UGC videos are engaging and well-structured.

Craft killer scripts for your videos with ease. Focus on visuals while our feature ensures your UGC videos are engaging and well-structured.

Create Your Own AI Avatar

Create Your Own AI Avatar

Create Your Own AI Avatar

Create Your Own AI Avatar

Our advanced AI tech makes it easy to turn your existing videos with a face into a unique, lifelike avatar that represents your brand like never before.

Our advanced AI tech makes it easy to turn your existing videos with a face into a unique, lifelike avatar that represents your brand like never before.

Increased Brand Growth

Discover how our platform has helped businesses create outstanding content effortlessly. Hear directly from our users about their success and satisfaction.



    CPC decrease

    "Impressed with Creatify's AIGC ads, we're cutting costs right off the bat. Creatify helps us to optimize performance and drive conversions, Realm AI saw a 28% reduction in CPR."

    PP of Congxing Cai

    Congxing Cai

    Founder of Realm AI



    view increase

    “Now 80% of the ads we created were through Creatify, because they are performing much better than the real-person or stock footage ads!”

    PP of Brian Mikalis

    Brian Mikalis

    Co-founder at RingWave Media



    time reduction

    “Creatify helps us to build everything faster and more professional, we have only 2 in our team but Creatify made as if we have a lot of workers working like a full team.”

    PP of Samuel Botros

    Samuel Botros

    CEO at Shop Miscellany



    conversion increase

    "Creatify blew us away in both its simplicity, and the quality of the content produced. Got a noticeable improvement in PPC conversion rates and ROAS."

    Robby Frank pfp

    Robby Frank

    Head of Growth at VoiceDrop.ai



    cost reduction

    "Creatify is all about efficiency, the avatars help target the right audience and boost engagement!"

    PP of Ilina Petkovic

    Ilina Petkovic

    Creator at FEMME Shapewear

Increased Brand Growth

Discover how our platform has helped businesses create outstanding content effortlessly. Hear directly from our users about their success and satisfaction.



    CPC decrease

    "Impressed with Creatify's AIGC ads, we're cutting costs right off the bat. Creatify helps us to optimize performance and drive conversions, Realm AI saw a 28% reduction in CPR."

    PP of Congxing Cai

    Congxing Cai

    Founder of Realm AI



    view increase

    “Now 80% of the ads we created were through Creatify, because they are performing much better than the real-person or stock footage ads!”

    PP of Brian Mikalis

    Brian Mikalis

    Co-founder at RingWave Media



    time reduction

    “Creatify helps us to build everything faster and more professional, we have only 2 in our team but Creatify made as if we have a lot of workers working like a full team.”

    PP of Samuel Botros

    Samuel Botros

    CEO at Shop Miscellany



    conversion increase

    "Creatify blew us away in both its simplicity, and the quality of the content produced. Got a noticeable improvement in PPC conversion rates and ROAS."

    Robby Frank pfp

    Robby Frank

    Head of Growth at VoiceDrop.ai



    cost reduction

    "Creatify is all about efficiency, the avatars help target the right audience and boost engagement!"

    PP of Ilina Petkovic

    Ilina Petkovic

    Creator at FEMME Shapewear

Increased Brand Growth

Discover how our platform has helped businesses create outstanding content effortlessly. Hear directly from our users about their success and satisfaction.



    CPC decrease

    "Impressed with Creatify's AIGC ads, we're cutting costs right off the bat. Creatify helps us to optimize performance and drive conversions, Realm AI saw a 28% reduction in CPR."

    PP of Congxing Cai

    Congxing Cai

    Founder of Realm AI



    view increase

    “Now 80% of the ads we created were through Creatify, because they are performing much better than the real-person or stock footage ads!”

    PP of Brian Mikalis

    Brian Mikalis

    Co-founder at RingWave Media



    time reduction

    “Creatify helps us to build everything faster and more professional, we have only 2 in our team but Creatify made as if we have a lot of workers working like a full team.”

    PP of Samuel Botros

    Samuel Botros

    CEO at Shop Miscellany



    conversion increase

    "Creatify blew us away in both its simplicity, and the quality of the content produced. Got a noticeable improvement in PPC conversion rates and ROAS."

    Robby Frank pfp

    Robby Frank

    Head of Growth at VoiceDrop.ai



    cost reduction

    "Creatify is all about efficiency, the avatars help target the right audience and boost engagement!"

    PP of Ilina Petkovic

    Ilina Petkovic

    Creator at FEMME Shapewear

Increased Brand Growth

Discover how our platform has helped businesses create outstanding content effortlessly. Hear directly from our users about their success and satisfaction.



    CPC decrease

    "Impressed with Creatify's AIGC ads, we're cutting costs right off the bat. Creatify helps us to optimize performance and drive conversions, Realm AI saw a 28% reduction in CPR."

    PP of Congxing Cai

    Congxing Cai

    Founder of Realm AI



    view increase

    “Now 80% of the ads we created were through Creatify, because they are performing much better than the real-person or stock footage ads!”

    PP of Brian Mikalis

    Brian Mikalis

    Co-founder at RingWave Media



    time reduction

    “Creatify helps us to build everything faster and more professional, we have only 2 in our team but Creatify made as if we have a lot of workers working like a full team.”

    PP of Samuel Botros

    Samuel Botros

    CEO at Shop Miscellany



    conversion increase

    "Creatify blew us away in both its simplicity, and the quality of the content produced. Got a noticeable improvement in PPC conversion rates and ROAS."

    Robby Frank pfp

    Robby Frank

    Head of Growth at VoiceDrop.ai



    cost reduction

    "Creatify is all about efficiency, the avatars help target the right audience and boost engagement!"

    PP of Ilina Petkovic

    Ilina Petkovic

    Creator at FEMME Shapewear